Jack Thepsourinthone is an Australian-Lao multi-disciplinary artist and literal Jack-of-all-trades. Their work spans across the various performing and creative arts—including: acting, dancing, graphic design, illustrating, photography, and singing.
Jack is a versatile dancer trained in the styles of Ballet, Breakdancing, Contemporary, Hip-hop, Jazz, JFH, Lyrical, Musical Theatre, Pole Dance, and Tap, as well as Acrobatic and Aerobic Gymnastics. They have performed in numerous shows, including public holidays (Australia Day, Christmas, New Year’s Eve), private functions, and even musicals.
Jack also performs as one-third of the Sydney-based queer Asian supergroup 'SLAYSIANS'.
In addition to their experience in performance, they completed their Bachelor degree in Psychology, Master of Research, and PhD in Health Science. Jack has numerous academic publications which they have been lead author and co-author on which have examined various social determinants of health among LGBTQIA+, POC, and minority populations, as well as examining issues around mental health.
Contact for bookings, commissions, or other enquiries.
For licensing queries, please view the Direct Licensing Policy.
‘In The Heights’
Easter Show Parade
'Wolf Lullaby'
‘Singin’ in the Rain’
Blackout Theatre Co.
Blackout Theatre Co.
Blackout Theatre Co.
Birdie Productions
Ashfield Musical Society
Blackout Theatre Co.
Blackout Theatre Co.
Featured Dancer/ Ensemble
Featured Ensemble
Featured Dancer/ Ensemble
Featured Dancer
Cabaret/ Burlesque Performer
Television and Media
'Crush' Music Video
'Freedom' Music Video
'A Fragile Thing' Music Video
'Quarter Life Crisis' Music Video
'Do It 4U' Music Video​
The Stranger
Dyan Tai
Shark Bay Dazy
Dyan Tai
‘Wolf Lullaby’
‘Happy Daze’ Music Video
'Be Cool' Music Video
'Hard To Say' Music Video
'Run Away' Music Video
'Summer in the Rain' Music Video
'Trebuchet' Music Video
'I Like You Better When You're Sober' Music Video
'Easy' Music Video
'Children of the Fae' Music Video
'In Dog Years I'm Dead' Music Video
'Winnie The Pooh KIDS'
'Jam Station'
Design/ Assistant Director
Director/ Videographer
Director/ Editor
Director/ Editor
Director/ Lighting/ Editor
Director/ Lighting/ Editor
Director/ Editor
Director/ Editor
Director/ Videographer
Set Design
Blackout Theatre Co.
Scab Baby
Milo Viti
TV Dreams
Jack Thepsourinthone
Jack Thepsourinthone
Jack Thepsourinthone
Jack Thepsourinthone
Jack Thepsourinthone
Jack Thepsourinthone
Jack Thepsourinthone
Fantasia Showstoppers
Fig Tree Productions
Thepsourinthone, J., Norman, T., Murphy, D., & Power, J. (2025). The relationship between access to peer support programs and quality of life among people living with HIV in Australia. AIDS Care, 1–10.
Norman, T., Bourne, A., Thepsourinthone, J., Murphy, D., Rule, J., Melendez-Torres, G. J., & Power, J. (2024). Sexual satisfaction among people living with HIV in the era of biomedical prevention: enduring impacts of HIV-related stigma? Sexual Health, 21(6), SH24103.
Hall, N., Thepsourinthone, J., & Bailey, S. (2022). Men's Lived Experience of Mental Health during COVID-19: Research Report to Australian Men's Health Forum.
Toze, M., Gates, T. G., Hughes, M., Dune, T., Westwood, S., Hafford-Letchfield, T., & Thepsourinthone, J. (2022). Social Support in Older Transgender and Gender Diverse Communities in the United Kingdom and Australia: A Comparative Study During COVID-19. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 1-19.
Buckland, C., Hector, D., Kolt, G. S., Thepsourinthone, J., & Arora, A. (2022, 2022/06/15). Experiences of young Australian mothers with infant feeding. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1), 489.
Gates, T. G., Hughes, M., Thepsourinthone, J., & Dune, T. (2022). Internet use among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer+ older adults during COVID-19. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 23(2), 63-67.
Bennett, B., Cosh, S., Thepsourinthone, J., & Lykins, A. (2022). A Mixed-Methods Assessment of Human Well-Being Related to the Presence of Companion Animals During the COVID-19 Pandemic. People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 5(1), 1-14.
Thepsourinthone, J., Dune, T., Liamputtong, P., & Arora, A. (2022). It's a Man's World: A Qualitative Study of Gender and Sexuality amongst Australian Gay Men. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2092.
Thepsourinthone, J., Dune, T., Liamputtong, P., & Arora, A. (2021). Out of the Closet, Not Yet Out of the House: Gay Men’s Experiences of Homonegativity and Internalized Homonegativity. Healthcare, 9(11), 1479.
Dune, T., Caputi, P., Walker, B. M., Olcon, K., MacPhail, C., Firdaus, R., & Thepsourinthone, J. (2021). Construing Non-white and White Clients: Mental Health Practitioners’ Superordinate Constructs Related to Whiteness and Non-whiteness in Australia. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 1-21.
Arora, A., Chew, L., Kang, K., Tang, L., Estai, M., Thepsourinthone, J., . . . Bhole, S. (2021). Diet, Nutrition, and Oral Health: What Influences Mother’s Decisions on What to Feed Their Young Children? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 8159.
Dune, T., Caputi, P., Walker, B. M., Olcon, K., MacPhail, C., Firdaus, R., & Thepsourinthone, J. (2021). Australian Mental Health Care Practitioners’ Construing of Non-White and White People: Implications for Cultural Competence and Therapeutic Alliance. BMC Psychology, 9(1), 85.
Dune, T., Ayika, D., Thepsourinthone, J., Mapedzahama, V., & Mengesha, Z. (2021). The Role of Culture and Religion on Sexual and Reproductive Health Indicators and Help-Seeking Attitudes amongst 1.5 Generation Migrants in Australia: A Quantitative Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1341.
Ussher, J. M., Hawkey, A., Perz, J., Liamputtong, P., Marjadi, B., Schmied, V., Dune, T., Sekar, J.A., Ryan, S., Charter, R., Thepsourinthone, J., Noack-Lundberg, K., & Brook, E. (2020). Crossing the line: Lived experience of sexual violence among trans women of colour from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds in Australia (Research report, 14/2020). Sydney: ANROWS.
Thepsourinthone, J., Dune, T., Liamputtong, P., & Arora, A. (2020). The Relationship Between Masculinity and Internalized Homophobia amongst Australian Gay Men. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11).
Dune, T., Ullman, J., Ferfolja, T., Thepsourinthone, J., Garga, S., & Mengesha, Z. (2020). Are Services Inclusive? A Review of the Experiences of Older GSD Women in Accessing Health, Social and Aged Care Services. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 3861.
Arora, A., Bowman, C. M., Chow, S. J. P., Thepsourinthone, J., Bhole, S., & Manohar, N. (2018). A Content Analysis of Australian Television Advertising: Focus on Child and Adolescent Oral Health. BMC Pediatrics, 18(1), 384.